Thursday 19 September 2013

How to set up your sewing machine

Setting up the Sewing Machine

All sewing machines should arrived in standard setting.
Do not touch, adjust or turn anything yet.

You should always read up the manual first, and check if you have all accessories as stated in the manual.

Step 1 :
Find a sturdy desk, and place the sewing machine at a comfortable distance away from you.
Attach the cord to the sewing machine, and place the foot pedal on the floor then plug in another side to the socket. 

Note: My monitor keep twitching when I used the same socket for my sewing machine.

Step 2:
The needle should be already attached to the sewing machine.Remove paper below the needle if there is any.
You may turn the knob (hand wheel) to remove it.

Step 3:
We will start up by preparing the bobbin (bottom thread)
 Follow the instruction shown on the sewing machine.

 Insert thread through the plastic bobbin. Ensure thread end is long enough for a firm grip.

Turn on the sewing machine, & switch it to the right (see below). Hold on to the thread end.Slightly step on foot pedal...Allows plastic bobbin to spin afew rounds before you cut the thread end and continue to fill up the bobbin.

When it is full, cut it ! :D

Put back the bobbin, ensure it is locked .

Step 4:
Next, we will set up the top thread. Please make sure you use the same quality of thread for top and bottom. Colours can be different.

Hold the top thread in front of you, turn the handwheel towards you. 
 You will see the bottom thread is now on top of your top thread. Pull (the thread you are holding) slightly. When you see the bottom thread, pull out a reasonable length and pull back both thread.

Step 5: 
Now, let's try out the sewing machine. 
You can draw straight lines, or curves and sew along the lines. 
Or try out different styles of sewing designs.

Have Fun !! 

Signing off,