Saturday 30 November 2013

1st Annual Secret Santa Gift Exchange - ETSY Trade Team

I am a member of ETSY Trade Team.
And our leader came out with this WONDERFUL event !!

~*~ 1st Annual Secret Santa Gift Exchange ~*~

This make me excited ! 
I love receiving presents (surprises) , and the joy of giving.

I signed for this event.

I was told to deliver my handmade item to United States.
And the recipient happens to "favourite" one of my design.
So it is not difficult for me to find out what she wants !

Off to mail the parcel ~ ^^

Hopefully, this parcel will arrive at her place on time for Christmas ! 
*keep my finger cross*

Signing off,

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Treasury on Christmas theme

Hello all !! 

Christmas is just around the corner. 
And in Singapore.
The streets and shopping malls have already decorated with beautiful lights and Christmas tree.
It is great time to travel to Singapore if you prefer a warm Christmas.

(inside an office)

(outside a neighbourhood mall)

 (inside a supermarket)

I am so excited about Christmas. It is such a joyful festive.
The thought of gifting and bringing smiles to people I care, excite me.

Today I have created a new treasury

Photos are taken from my treasury list.
If you are interested to see the rest, please click here.

Have a great day  ahead!

Signing off,

Sunday 10 November 2013

Handmade Project : My Childhood Game, Five Stones

Earlier this week, I watched an episode of Running Man (Korea Variety Show)
They were playing "gonggi" which is what we called as "Five stones" in Singapore.

Below is a screenshot of Runningman ep. 110

Five stones game is commonly played in Singapore. 
Almost every kid played this before, especially since our elementary school bookstores sell them. 
I used to play with my friends after school in our canteen.

Such a beautiful childhood memory :)

So I chose my favourite polka dot fabric and make decided to make a set for myself this afternoon.

It is fun and easy to make.

Each pouch is filled with rice, but you may use either rice or beans. 
Now, I got really excited and shall try out my "five stones" skills :)

To know how to play, you can try searching it in youtube. 
There is so many different way to play, you can even create or design your own method.
If I have the time, I shall post my way of playing five stones :)

Have a good day ! 

Signing off,

Capturedmysoul - Lord of the Ring Hobbit Hole Locket Necklace

My new necklace from Australia.

It was beautiful packaged, with photographs and a sweet little note. 

I love this necklace to bits ! 
The only down side was the green is lighter than I thought ! 
It is too bright !

Signing off,