Saturday 25 January 2014

Beads, my new sewmate.

It's friday and I'm in a mood for some shopping !

I went out to stock up my supplies, and bought some new items including -

Beads !

Yes ! It's beads.
I remembered when I was seven my mother brought me out to buy tons of beads.
She taught me how to make it into beautiful bracelet, which I later sell it to my classmates.
" well, I think I am meant to be an entrepreneur "

My mum is very good in colour coordination.
I always seek her for advice.

Anyway, I really enjoy spending my afternoon walking around the art store.
This is where I get my inspirations from as well.

Planning and designing new coin purse -

I have two upcoming designs for sneak preview :

Do look out for it on my website. 

Have a great day, everyone ! 

Signing off,

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