Tuesday 25 March 2014

Handmade Project : Drawstring Backpack

Good morning ! 

Today I will be using the fabric I bought from Tokyo.

After much consideration, I decided to make a drawstring backpack for myself.
It will be meant to transport items and to carry my belongings while I'm riding my bicycle.

There is a reservoir near where I'm staying and further down the cycling path, it will lead me to the sea.
It is a nice place to relax while enjoying the sea breeze.

San- X -  Sumikkogurashi

This fabric that I bought from Tokyo is copyrighted, which mean it is only for personal use and not for sale.
They are quite new from Sanx and they are so adorable when I see their toys in Tokyo.

Here's a photo of my fabric before I cut them out. 
They are so pretty that I don't mind buying a bolt just to display on my shelves where I keep all my fabrics.

The fabric quality is really good but I still prefer to add a lining to it.
I am using pastel or light green for the lining. Pastel green lining matches the main fabric perfectly and make it even more lovely !

Overall, I am really happy with my new bag.

** My personal drawstring backpack **

Another great achievement made in my sewing journey !

Hope you too, make or learnt a new skill today.

Have a great day ahead !


Signing off,

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Travel : DIY Kits from Japan

 Greetings from Tokyo,

Today I went to visit the Tokyo Skytree for the very first time.
Someone happened to be doing a demonstration on a DIY food replica kit.

I didn't buy that since I am already making miniature food using polymer clay.
But the kits are amazing. (last two photos)


These are the ones that caught my attention.
I always wanted to own a miniature ryokan or Japanese style houses.

This is exactly what I have been searching for so I bought it.

Cost price 2000 to 5000

(Below) I bought this one as it has interior that looks like a ryokan style.
And I love how the overall looks like, especially the roof top.

(Above)They sell the display cases too. About 4,500

Signing off,

Monday 17 March 2014

Travel : Toyko - Takashimaya Times Square

Greetings from Tokyo ! 

Today I visited Takashimya Tokyu hands which is location in Shinjuku, right opposite my hotel.

I heard they sell fabrics and other hand craft materials.
Surprisingly, there are more fabrics than I thought. 
Definitely worth a visit if you are into handicrafts.

Needle felt kits and materials : 

Prices are similar to Singapore's but wider range to choose from.

In Japan, there are wide range of fabrics from San-X.
Copyrighted fabrics which are hard to find in Singapore. They are marked at a higher price, about 1,400円 per metre.

(below) Plenty of choices to choose from. 
I do not have a chance to shop like this in Singapore. 

 This place is like heaven to me. 
How I wish I have a day to spend !

Many of the fabrics are selling at a discounted price. It would take some time to look through the shop and to get the best deal.
I only spent about an hour or less as we are in a rush.

I would love to buy lots of fabric if not because of baggage allowances, and time retriction.
This place is perfect for me as it is filled with Japanese fabric which I love the most

I would like to make my own kimono/yukata/haori with these beautitful fabrics.

They also sell lots of fat quarters ! About 300 each.

Special fabric basket, how convenience it can be ! 
I am glad they provide these trolley.

*Pardon my ignorants as I have yet to see this in Singapore*

After about 20 minutes of queuing, finally it is my turn.
This kind lady is showing me the price of the fabric using a calculator. She is really nice and fast in cutting up the fabric.

(below) I am really very happy to see these beautiful fabrics getting cut, fold, and placed into my basket. 
Can't wait to bring them home and make something useful out of it.

I really wish Singapore Takashimaya have a fabric shop as big as this one ! 
I think most of my pay would goes into this shop :)

Signing off,