Monday 22 December 2014

Quick DIY Christmas Gift - Olive Body Scrub


Olive Body Scrub

Last minute Christmas gifting solution.
A quick 10-15 minutes diy gift for your friends and colleagues.

Quick, Easy, Economical and Practical! Start making them today !!

 What you'll need:
- Fine sugar / salt
- Olive oil
- Empty bottles

Get ready a spoon and a big bowl. 
Pour in fine sugar depends on how many bottles you plan to make.

Next, add in olive oil. I added in about 3 tablespoon but you may add in more later on.

 Slowly, stir the mixture well.

Once the sugar are in light yellowish colour. It should be good enough, you do not need to add anymore olive oil.

 I used recycled plastic bottles. 
All washed and cleaned.

After distributing the body scrub into each bottle, make sure the surface of the bottles are cleaned and
you can start decorating it ! 

Enjoy ~ ! 

Joey Tan

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