Monday 7 March 2016

My Sewing Room

To be honest, I would not call it a sewing room.
Because I love crafting all sort of stuff. 
But currently I am focusing only on sewing (& frequent fly tying).


I have just moved house and finally this is my chance to have my own sewing room.

After looking through IKEA catalog which was sent to my house. 
I have decided to get my tables and bookshelf from IKEA. I love the simplicity of the table tops as it suit my theme - white/black room.

(below) Here is our loot from IKEA. My sewing table top can be seen on the right.
One is larger than the other.

These are the two tables that I bought from IKEA

The smaller desk is my sewing desk, and the larger one is my fabric cutting table.

Doesn't it fit my theme perfectly? 
White and black.

(Below) This bookshelf from IKEA, is make out of 2 section. The top and the bottom.
It is way more expensive than the tables, but I think it is a good buy because there are plenty of storage spaces and it feels pretty solid.

On the moving day, I reached my new house with a bunch of barang barang at around 10 am in the morning. I spent the whole afternoon clearing boxes. It is a good thing I do not have much belongings.

By evening, I have done clearing my boxes and done packing my sewing room.

My sylvanian family collection took me some time because I have to wash and dry clean all small pieces of furniture. I have a extension house which I store it away instead of displaying it.

The photo frame is a photo of my husband and I.
It was taken in Disneysea, but I merge the photo with Mount Fuji which I took it at Fuji Q Highland.
I was really lucky it was a clear day when I took a photo of Mount Fuji.

The alphabet represent the initial of my husband and I.
I got it for our wedding day and now I am recycling it. Haha ~ ! 

Feel satisfied after arranging all stuffs in place ! 

(below)My favourite piece of furniture should be the trolley. It has followed me from my old house to my new house. 

This trolley have 3 layers of drawers. 
  • In the 1st drawer, it is filled with many quarter fabric for my macaron coin purse.
  • In the 2nd drawer, it is filled with interfacing, patterns, tracing paper. Well, also meant for my coin purse.
  • In the 3rd drawer, it is my "shipping section". It contains my business card, ribbons, shipping documents, gift wrappings, notepad.

On the top of the trolley, there is a container where I kept my scissor, fabric chalk,pins, etc.
Mostly stationery.

(below) The smaller table top from IKEA, which is also my sewing table.
It is currently pretty clean. 

I have yet to decide what to put on the walls and the teddies on the table are made by me.

I have more plans for my new sewing room.

More updates in future !

Joey Tan

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